Providing Carriage Tours since 2011, serving over 40,000 plus customers!
Horse Care
Our horses are considered part of our family and their physical and mental well-being is the very important. Our horses come first, even before our customers.

We feed our herd a low starch, low sugar, high fiber grainless horse feed and a high quality chopped hay. Our horses eat approximately 40,000 calories daily in feed and hay.

Vet Care
Each horse receives a veterinary exam twice a year. Preventative health includes shots, worming, and dental care.

Our horses only work seasonally. Our horses are off from January to the middle of March. Our horses do not work more than 6 hours a day and they are rotated every other day.

Working in Heat
When the outside temperature reaches 85 degrees with high humidity, carriage operations throughout the city cease. If there is no humidity horses can work in 90 degrees. Horses adapt to the heat and cold, it is the humidity that is hard on them.

All the horses wear different shoes, some with iron shoes with a rubber tire attached that provides cushion and additional traction. Some with plastic shoes that provide cushion, like wearing a tennis shoe. They see a farrier and get new shoes every 6 – 8 weeks.

Horse Power
Our horses are either full drafts or mixed breeds and weigh between 1400 to 2000-pounds. . Draft horses were breed to work and can pull 6x their own weight! They actually push on their collar, and the harness does the pulling.